Psychology services for gifted children, adolescents and adults
There is a misconception that gifted children and adolescents are motivated and well-adjusted and grow up to be highly successful adults who have their lives together. This is not the case with everyone. In fact, research shows that gifted individuals are at higher risk for anxiety and depression due to experiencing feeling different, feeling isolated, dealing with their own high standards as well as parental expectations, and the discrepancy between what schools can offer and their own abilities.
I enjoy working with gifted children, adolescents, and adults. During my Masters, my thesis involved looking at the WISC-IV and how the full-scale IQ underestimated gifted abilities in children. Following that, I worked casually for almost 10 years at the Presbyterian Ladies’ College Extension Centre assessing children and helping identify giftedness.
I found that I wanted to work further with gifted individuals and especially those who are considered “twice-exceptional” – gifted with learning disabilities or ADHD as well as anxiety or depression.
I offer the following services for gifted individuals:
- Cognitive and Academic achievement assessments to identify giftedness
- Counselling for twice-exceptional children, adolescents or adults (these are individuals who are intellectually gifted but may have a learning disability).
- Counselling for any associated anxiety or mood disorder
- Counselling to help with understanding your values and engaging in behaviours in line with these values
If this is you or your child or adolescent, contact me today to make an appointment.